Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's a boy!

At 18 weeks Nigel and I had the big ultrasound scheduled. The doctors would check all of the baby’s vital organs, measurements and finally tell us what we were having. It was amazing seeing the baby on the screen; the little feet, hands and profile. It was such a change from the first ultrasound. The technician took her time. She started at the head, moving down to the arms then the heart and stomach and then finally the moment of truth. It took all of 2 seconds for us to realize what I already knew...we were having a boy! There was a part of me that really wanted a little girl, but I just knew in my gut that we were having a boy. For a few minutes I have to say I was a little disappointed, but then I looked at Nigel's face. He was so excited. I started to envision the two of them playing together and learning from each other. I have a few friends that have just had boys and I've decided that I am thrilled to be having a boy first.

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